About Me



Well Hello 🙂 ….
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I am Raabiá , a loving wife and proud mom of 2 beautiful kids hailing all the way from Cape Town – South Africa.
I’m a teacher at heart with a passion for sharing the latest trends in fashion, beauty, health, fitness and of course my love for food !! (did someone say food??)
Being a mom & wife, I found it difficult to keep my style, keep fit and eat right. After our second baby was born I felt lost and somewhat depressed as I found myself wearing the first thing my eyes caught when opening my closet,  stopped exercising, stopped MY beauty regime (which I will be sharing in a future post) and ate practically anything not realising the toll it will take on my body. To put it in short , I lost ME.
Until, one day I woke up and decided to work at finding a balance between being domesticated and becoming my old self again, the stylish women who stayed fit and always took care of herself.
I decided to start this blog with the aim of helping and guiding others and showing you it is possible through a busy hectic life to stay on top of the latest trends, keep fit and stay healthy.
I will be sharing various post relating to the latest fashion/beauty , guilt free meals and how I keep fit.

Should you wish to see more about my daily lifestyle/OOTD, you can checkout my other social media platforms where I post daily and share some motivational and uplifting quotes.

Facebook Page @RaRseditblog

Instagram @rarseditblog

Twitter @ rseditblog



Your’s  Truly

Raabia xoxo


cold shoulder

Cold Shoulder Flex